Struggling for partnership on a new industrial corridor. Residents living on South Foster Road encounter heavy truck and vehicular traffic, continuous speeding and accidents. Most recently there have been two wrecks on the four lane highway directly in front of the driveways. The citizens living up front are desperate to get out.

When asked for help the China Grove City Council responded with the idea of a two-sided mailbox.

The residents are locked into mortgages with no prospects of selling and moving away from the new industrial corridor.



Around four square miles of bliss on the edge of San Antonio. Known for great living, unless you live on Foster Road.

Concerns for S. Foster Rd started when San Antonio furthered industrial growth along Foster Road with over 7,000,000 square feet of industrial buildings with companies like Amazon, H.E.B, Tesla & Dollar General. The growth spurt was so great, Foster Road was doubled in size.

Now the City of China Grove can either embrace the revenue sources at their back door or attempt with an isolationist position.

The efforts to sell the remaining land, the “Missing Middle” as shown below, was headed down a productive path until the most recent council members decided to derail all hope. Councilmen David Johnson, Fred Bean and Eddy Perez are all determined to stop industrial progress on an industrial corridor. But at who’s expense? Turns out, the Citizens will be fronting the bill.

Therefore a coalition was started. A coalition of home owners, property owners, business owners and City of China Grove past-council members. All who see the writing on the wall and understand the larger implications if the opportunity that is knocking is ignored.



The extent of development the coalition is seeking is minor, very minor, relative to the thousands of acres of open residential land preserved for living in China Grove.

To the left of the Missing Middle stands the largest industrial asset to be built within China Grove, North Point with 190 acres. Adjacent to this is a pallet manufacturer, constructing wooden pallets. To the right of the Missing Middle is industrial equipment storage, rental and a new petroleum company underway. Everything would suggest industrial use. Except for the Missing Middle. A council member, previously mentioned, has been quoted as hoping a big box store “like Home Depot” would decide to build a retail storefront in the Missing Middle. These ideas are out of touch with what is taking place on S. Foster Rd.

The coalition understands this is fruitless thinking. We believe the public will understand the facts and vote alongside us. Drop us your info: FosterRoadCoalition@gmail.com


The valiant local police officers acknowledge publicly the issues on Foster Road but are spread thin dealing with major crime in progress.

Photo: Where a car went off the road and crashed through the new guardrail. Directly in front of the Missing Middle.

Every single City meeting starts with a full report from the Chief of Police. Detailed accounts of dangerous interactions with criminals that find their way into town. No one would disagree more help is needed. More officers are needed. The officers need pay that is inline with their talents for the City to retain their help.

Citizens request more services than can be afforded on the modest budget.


Take a look at a copy of the budget as it was being worked on earlier this year. The City of China Grove was hoping to budget around $1,727,000 for the year. This is about $1,000 per citizen. Compare this to the City of San Antonio with a budget of $3,900,000,000. Or about $2,500 per citizen. Apples and oranges you could say. But it’s telling if you can’t pay for basic necessities.

Now take a look at where a large chunk of the tax revenue is coming from on the second spreadsheet. This shows $143,515 coming from the existing industrial, already permitted to exist on Foster Road. Now take note of the shortfall in the budget, $544,576. This is IN THE RED. That would be $328 per citizen of China Grove to make up. San Antonio is flush with cash from industrial users like Telsa and HEB.

More importantly, should the city council vote FOR DEVELOPING THE MISSING MIDDLE, the City will have a surplus of tax dollars flowing continuously. This is not hyperbole, this is business sense.



The development pays for itself in taxes every year. The potential development, calculated per square foot of land is approximated to produce adequate funds to pay for a well equipped and productive police force. As well as City Staff and City roads. Thereby reducing taxes to each citizen.

And the developers we’ve met with don’t expect a dime from the City. They know they have enough potential business on Foster Road, they are not requesting reductions or incentives as commonly occurs in larger metropolitan developments.


The HEB industrial build brought the new sewer to Foster Road. It was then extended across the road to make way for the North Point buildings.

Photo: A short but expensive extension would provide a much needed utility to allow land to be used for the City’s economic gain.



For the second time in two years a developer has stepped up to purchase land on Foster Rd. Giving a hope to the residences who are forced to live in the middle of chaos.

The developer proposed entirely paying for a study to permit a public improvement district (PID). A straight forward taxing district used for public improvements. It’s used by other local cities to keep up with needed infrastructure. In this case only the properties that will benefit from a new sewer extension will help share the cost.

This brings a new SAWS sewer to the edge of town and only the new buildings would pay for it. The developer asked to bring in a consultant to explain the benefits to the City. Paid for, by the developer.


Certain council members unsympathetically offered this two-sided mailbox as a real solution to the home owners forced to live on the industrial corridor.

In the same meeting the same members, Bean, Johnson & Perez quickly voted to deny any progress that would alleviate the situation. Foster Road Landowners Coalition – Uniting landowners for a stronger community in China Grove, TX



The obstinate council members claim they are in protest of any warehouse development on Foster Road.

Photo: The building from the North Point complex is what some council members claim is atrocious.

After many meetings, hours of back and forth discussions between city council members, well educated professionals, attorneys, financial planners and developers, it was made clear the newest council members refuse to accept a favorable offer because they disagree with an already approved project. During a past meeting Fred Bean made it clear he didn’t agree with the project at 2042 S. Foster Rd and would not engage in any progress related to the development. The majority vote to include the 3 newest members was quickly voted to deny any progress that would alleviate the situation based on their prejudicial views for growth on S. Foster Rd.

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We feel we can drive home real change by simply allowing cooler heads to prevail.

Drop us your info: FosterRoadCoalition@gmail.com

We need a strong list of support for progress to benefit China Grove.